A Little Farm

comments: 190


















Our friends Brady and Peter recently bought a little farm at the edge of the piney woods. It came with an apple orchard, a big gray barn, a flock of sheep, and a hen, but no name. Any ideas?

It's the kind of place I dreamt about when I was a child (though my dream had a dapple gray Connemara pony in it, too). I can't wait to go back when the apple trees are in bloom.


I have no idea what one would name such a magical place. I do however know that I love the color of the siding. I am making a Brooklyn Tweed stole right now in Cascade 220 Smoke Blue- which is identical to the color of this little farmhouse. Beautiful!

Ahhh, my dream! What a beautiful place - Wooly Acres? ha.

This is our dream too ♥
What a beautiful spot & complete with apple orchards, a hen & sheep not to mention tht gorgeous home & gray barn ~ perfect.
Because apple blossoms mean love & peace I'd name this lovely farm Apple Blossom Farm.

One Hen Farm?

Moss Edge?

What a gorgeous, magical place!

oh my - I think a lot of us have the same dream!!!! and with Sheep!!! I can just envision a big fire, a nice comfortable rocker spinning some yarn or knitting. hmmmmm.... maybe someday : )

Oh, so lovely! No naming ideas here, but I am just in love with the beauty you've captured.

Gosh... I would love to think of some good names, but this requires further research, a deeper understanding of the place, and closer view of the chicken...
Wouldn't I just love to pretend my curiosity and dreamy appreciation of this beautiful farm are reason enough to stop by for a visit, so I can give this naming proper consideration?
Congratulations to the happy farmers, residents, and all their guests!

I am with Deb.
Apple Blossom Farm, plus that was my favorite "My Little Pony" when I was little. :)

This place is amazing, oh to dream....

A Big Grey Barn
A Flock of Sheep
and A Hen

done up in relief letters

Your words are always best.

No idea on a name but holy crap that place is beautiful!

It is lovely, how nice to be able to live there!

Oh my goodness. That is my absolute dream home. (I would also appreciate the addition of a pony, and I don't think my daughter would stand for anything less.) If I should every get to live on a farm like that, I'd call it Little Frog Farm. I doubt the name has wide appeal, but your friends are welcome to borrow it.

Paradise Farm. Because!

Very nice place. Very jealous! :P

I like the word 'piney' maybe that can be worked into the name of this place? :)

Btw those pickles look delicious...

Borrowing from * your* recent post, how about Silverlights Farm? What a charming place.

I am not good with names but thank you thank you for sharing this. This place is beautiful and looks like heaven! Maybe it could be "A piece of the pie!" lol!

Wow what a beautiful place. Its hard to feel the cold though as we're enjoying a weird mini-heat wave in England!

I'm stretching my brain trying to figure out how I can make my city condo feel more like this... Maybe I should at least add canning to my list of adventures this summer/fall (in addition to filling my new upright freezer with fresh picked blueberries.) What a treasure they have!

I love, love your blog ~ by far my fav. You are truly an inspiration! This farm is lovely ~ I think it should be named Sheepy Hollow! Living (or even visitng) there would be bliss.

I agree with Rena - You said it yourself: Piney Woods Farm. What a beautiful place!


Of course this is dependent on maintaining the color, but what about Grey Haven?

"Edge of the Pines Farm"

'Dapple-gray' farm? (once they get the pony) For the colours of the buildings, the misty comfort of the PNW sky, and because it's my favourite line from that lovely lullabye "All the pretty little horses".

Is that seriously how they display their preserves? So beautiful.

Big Gray Farm.

Did you ever read Maple Hill Farm by Alice and Martin Provensen? I wish I could have a farm. Your friends' farm is gorgeous. I say they should live with it for a while and the name will come to them as if it has always been the name.

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About Alicia Paulson


My name is Alicia Paulson
and I love to make things. I live with my husband and daughter in Portland, Oregon, and design sewing, embroidery, knitting, and crochet patterns. See more about me at aliciapaulson.com
