Jane Market Bag

comments: 160


In between all the gardening, and the hay hauling, and the just generally sitting around waiting for something to grow, I've been sewing a bit. I was watching Marple a couple of weeks ago and I noticed that Jane is almost always carrying some sort of calico bag — which probably contains her knitting, not groceries. But it gave me an idea for a bag I'd been wanting to make for quite a while, a giant grocery tote to replace those hideously fugly ones they sell at all the stores now. You know the ones I mean? Those black ones, made of what feels like the same material they make Handi-Wipes out of (don't even know if they still make those, but my mother used to use them and I still remember that weird, webby fabric)? Anyway, I can't stand those bags, as practical as they are, but I do like that big, boxy shape — like a regular paper grocery bag. So I made this one, out of calico. I've been carrying it around all week, testing it out, and I love it. I'll put together a pattern this week in case you want to make one, too. It's easy, and a great stash-buster!

Speaking of stashes, when we got new carpet, a giant shelf that was in the bedroom came down to live in my studio. I moved all of my fabric to it, but it's a total mess. I'm trying to use up as much of the stash as possible so I don't have to refold and refuss with trying to stack and color-code it all. I'm finally just accepting that the whole stash-fabric-refolding thing will probably need to be redone once a year. It always seems to be exploding off the shelves, possibly because I am such a slob about putting it away nicely in the first place. But only possibly. I think it's really messing itself up and hurling big piles of itself to the floor on purpose, just to make me crazy. Because stashes have nothing better to do. Everyone knows this.

***The pattern is available HERE!


I love the new bag!

I have just sstruggled back from the shops with 4 pints of milk, fruit and veg, comics and a magazine, all in a shoulder tote, your bag would have been ideal!
Love the colours of it too, would cheer up grocery shopping x

I love the bag. I have perfect fabrics to make one. Would love your pattern...

I think this is true for stashes and craft supplies in general. Every time I turn around, there's a giant mess on the craft table!

I love the bag, too...

I love that! It's so adorable! I'm hoping it's not too difficult so newbie sewer that I am could accomplish something like that, too!

LOVE LOVE LOVE the bag! Can't wait for a pattern!

My stash certainly has an unruly mind of its own. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one.

This tote is gorgeous! I love the color combo and the picture is stunning in itself.


That is divine! Xoxo-BLC

I have such a bag fettish, I'm afraid to get into making my own....but I..cannot...resist...

Therefore, your pattern would be greatly appreciated.

I love this bag and would love the pattern! I am new reader, and I look forward to every post!

And yes, fabric stacks and books and magazines and yarn do that. They live for this purpose. And herding dogs go crazy trying to stop them.

That's a pattern I would love to have!

And yes, fabric stacks mix themselves up nightly. Just to add a little spice to our lives.

Absolutely beautiful bag!

Oh yay! What a nice market bag. I've been jonesin' for one of those. A lot of the canvas bags just collapse when you try to put stuff in them.

Beautiful colors! You are so right about the fabric stash piles hurling themselves to the floor. It sometimes looks like there was a party in my sewing room and I wasn't invited.

This has to be the most stylish grocery bag EVER!! If I had your sewing talent i would never leave the sewing machine. I would also be surrounded by BAGS, BAGS AND MORE BAGS!!

I'm a new reader of your blog, and to the blog world. I have to say your bag is amazing, so pretty! I don't know much about sewing, but you inspire me. I love your gardening posts too, I am addicted to gardening.

oh I do...please make a pattern quick!

What a beautiful bag. I can't wait for the pattern.

What a super cute bag!

Oh, your new creation is so nice ;-)

You're right, that is 1000 times prettier than the bags the stores are selling lately. Another reason I need to learn to sew.

OH MY GOSH! I LOVE it! We are new to blogging and so happy that we found your site!

Love that bag i would really be interested in that pattern

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About Alicia Paulson


My name is Alicia Paulson
and I love to make things. I live with my husband and daughter in Portland, Oregon, and design sewing, embroidery, knitting, and crochet patterns. See more about me at aliciapaulson.com
