That's hot.

comments: 54

Corgi1 You probably know that dogs and cats have sweat glands on their feet. I'm not sure if that's an efficient cooling-off system for them, but when it gets hot, my pets turn into cartoon characters who look like they're about to melt. It's nice and cool right now, but supposed to hit 100 tomorrow. 'Round about when this starts happening I start, cartoonishly, dreaming of autumn. It happens every time. Melt melt melt.

Hotcat1 These two cats don't even like to be in the same building together, let alone the same room. But there must be some weird air current only felines are attuned to — when it gets hot, I find them sprawled on the guest-room floor, usually right in the doorway of the room, which seems like a weird place. I step over them and they don't move. When it's hot, they must be too lethargic to punch each other in the face, as usual, and each strangely tolerates the other sprawling mere feet away. They must sprawl to increase the surface area of their bodies, or something?

By the way, thank you to everyone who wrote to tell me that Miss Audrey was in the August issue of Romantic Homes. When the magazine was here last year, they took lots of photos of all sorts of stuff, and they have the right to use those however they want to — so that was not one of my photos, uncredited, as some people worried. Thank you, also, to anyone who wrote nice letters to the magazine after the feature on our house came out last spring (in the March 2007 issue), especially Denise Rodriguez. Denise, if you read this blog, thank you — your letter was so thoughtful and generous. I was really touched by that, thank you.

Tomorrow we're going up to Astoria to scout out some locations to use in photos for the book. I'm beside myself with excitement to see Kathleen's place, which she so generously has offered as a backdrop. Like, really really excited. Very very very very very excited. I can't wait. Besides being one of the sweetest people in the world, Kathleen is just so immensely talented. I consider her an aesthetic genius. Everything she does is so lovely and precise and — I don't know, there's just something so peaceful and thrillingly beautiful about everything Kathleen does. And Astoria is so full of character and color. I cannot wait! Even if it is going to be 100 DEGREES! 


Your doggy's face makes me happy, so does visting your blog. Thank you for sharing the glimpses and peeks of your beautiful home and life.

gotta love those silly kitties!

I absolutely cannot wait for your book! I love reading your blog; it really inspires me and just makes me smile. When I first started reading it several months ago I went back and read all the archives, and then was really sad when I got caught up to the present. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful home and life!!

I agree with the first comment - besides all the other wonderful things I could say about your blog, it is that adorable face that keeps me coming back time and again! Your photos of her are marvelous.


oh your photos are just precious! :)

It's supposed to get to 93 here by Wednesday and I know I'll be begging for air conditioning, which isn't worth the money for the one week of the year it gets intolerable.
Astoria is one of my favorite towns. Enjoy it up there.

I love it when you post pics of Audrey. She is the cutest thing!!!

Sweet photos, and who could not fall in love with a face like that!

Many smiles...


Have a really good time. What a wonderful way to spend the day...scouting out beauty....and you get to spend time with like minded folk. Have fun!

Yeah, our cats do the same thing... they usually just lay there like that for about 8-10 hours per day when it's hot. I think you could poke them with sticks and they'd just glare at you menacingly, without moving a muscle.

Anything above about 85 and I start having fevered dreams of Autumn rain showers or Lithuanian winters :)

Also, you reminded me, it would be nice to take a trip up to Astoria this summer on a weekday sometime, or at least sometime that's not a Sunday afternoon when everything is closed.


It's not quite a hundred degrees here, but I have also been dreaming of Autumn and weather crisp and cool enough for a sweater

I wondered if that dog was Audrey.
How cool!

I can't wait for you to finish your book.


I'm dreading tomorrow's high temps too. We have air conditioning but I still feel trapped in the house. I heard the beaches are suppose to be in 80's and 90's so you're probably heading to the right place!

Astoria! I wanted to live there ever since I saw The Goonies in '85! :)

Oh...I know I shouldn't be...but, I am so jealous. A freind of mine just came back from a cruise that stopped in Astoria and showed me pictures of the town. I am dying to go there. Take lots of pictures to share....please!

astoria will be nice, and i would think a lot cooler than the scorcher that the mother(nature) has planned. have fun.

courtney says: July 09, 2007 at 12:27 PM

I did not know that about dogs and cats having sweat glands on their feet. Now I finally understand why when it gets hot here the dogs flip over upside down with their feet sticking straight up in the air, and pass out asleep!

Just wanted to send out a belated congratulations on the book. I can't wait to see it. Hopefully Audrey will sneak her way in there too.

i think cats have it *all* figured out. now if we could just get them to explain themselves!

Oh I totally know how your pets feel only they look a lot cuter in the heat than I do. :)

Enjoy Astoria! Kathleen is a doll to be helping you out! We should only hit 90 tomorrow, so not quite as hot as Portland.

Ohhh, i'm thrilled for you! Have a blast! I know you all will!

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Thank you very much for your time.

How to beat the heat: Read all those blogs from the crafty Australians...they talk about the cold weather they have to endure!

It was like that last week here - boiling! Thankfully it's possible to wear a sweater again now at least in the mornings and evenings (Berkeley, Ca). I love the sweet pet photos - they really cheer up the day. Happy travels!

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About Alicia Paulson


My name is Alicia Paulson
and I love to make things. I live with my husband and daughter in Portland, Oregon, and design sewing, embroidery, knitting, and crochet patterns. See more about me at
