Thank you again for all the nice, helpful, funny, encouraging comments this week, honestly. I looked at the photo of the bookbags yesterday and thought that it kind of seemed like those strips of different fabrics were patched in, but actually they're layers, like ruffles, but pleated. I think these close-ups show it better.
I will be making these bags for sale, and will update the site next week, maybe, or the next. I want to do as many as I can all at once because cutting out the sheets is a challenge, for some reason. I don't have enough space to easily manage those huge pieces of fabric and it's the type of stuff you want to cut all on the same day. I've been stitching on all my rick-rack by hand lately, instead of just zooming down the ripples with the machine, and I really love the way it turns out. So, all that is to say that I'm so happy with these bags but they take quite a while to put together so it'll definitely be next week or the week after before I have as many finished as I'd like.
There's a pocket inside them, too.
You keep your bike key, library card, and overdue fines in there.
hehe I'd definitely need a space for overdue fines. I'm terrible about returning on time.
You're right: the rickrack looks really nice like that!
Have a Wonderful day, Alicia, and a weekend that is molto fabuloso !
The bags are a great design and I love the mixes of fabrics. I'd need a whole separate bag for book fines.
I'm usually so daunted by the 87 comments of praise and exclamation that I just keep lurking, but well... at this point there's only one other comment so I thought I'd say, "Hi Alicia!". I'm so happy to have found your blog - it's a flutter of bright color and kind words in the middle of a grey cubicle. Thank you!
That last pic is frame worthy... so yummy and sweet!
I would want a bunch of those totes hanging from hooks and never ever use them. Like better than any art piece... heck, it is art!! Art at its finest.
I love these cute bags!! The colors are just wonderful and the little pleats are perfect!!
So pretty! I'm always lugging around books, and those bags are the perfect size. I don't like carrying books around in "non-book shaped" bags where they can shift around! I'm happy that you'll be selling some! They are so bright and happy looking! Have a great weekend Alicia!
Even though I already have one of the lovely bookbags, these great posts have me thinking I need another one - or two. The bags are so perfectly summery and really cheerful and, well, just swell. Thanks, Alicia, for doing all the hard work! those frilly pretties, Alicia!!!!!!!
Wonderful colors! The bags are perfect.
I love reading your posts. They are so inspirational. I've enjoyed watching your kitties interaction with your projects. I had to post a link to your page and your kitties on my blog at I just couldn't help myself. Especially after my cat got involved in my pottery photo shoot. Keep up all the good work. I like these books. Hummm, might have to make one of these for myself. Sigh, so many projects, so little time.
I always enjoy your projects and your stories so much. Lately it feels like you're spoiling us with the richness and frequency of these updates. Please don't stop! :D And thanks so much for the peeks!
Hi Alicia, I've been reading your blog now for about 3-4 months and I have to tell you I love your sense of color. You blend fabrics together so well, some of your combinations I would never think of putting together. I'm always curious if people are born with an eye for color or can it be developed over time? Anyway, I love reading your blog everyday.
Yay! I was hoping you'd have more for sale.
i have to say, the white one is my favorite!
beautiful as always!
Once again you've inspired me. I tried the crochet thing, haven't quite got a handle on it yet. Unfortunately I don't have time for crafts right now as we found out we're going to move. Hopefully after we settle in I can create a cute studio like yours and find inspiration to create as beautifully as you do!
Hand sewn rick rack - that shows quality work, girl! I will watch your little shop for one of these!
these make my heart go pitter-patter. you're right, i didn't realize those were ruffles, and now that i see them, i am in love. ruffles rock! i must have one...
Oh bookbag, thou art perfect bags of happiness and sunshine just waiting to be filled with light summer reading!
great to see the details in these.
these are making me ache for summer and sun!
so happy and sweet
i'm not so sure that pocket is big enough to hold *my* overdue fines. i need like three or four pockets for them. i'm such a bad returner of things. really bad.
They are cuter close up. Those fabrics are lushious and the pocket is darling. They would be perfect for the library! Love your little label too!
So cute!
Oh again I say these bags are so pretty! The colors are my fave, like candy, and the flowers are the best.
I am so glad to hear that you will be selling some, I really hope to be ordering one when they come out, great bday present for me don't you think?! Hmm maybe from my Mom, lol.
The ruffles and rickrack are great, nice details, but not overdone.
Sigh.... did I tell you they were lovely??? heehee
You had me at the bookbags, but add in the layers and then the POCKET the the POSY tag, and I"m a goner!!
I want to throw it on, grab my library card and head for an afternoon of spring reading. A lot like that cute kid in "My Girl!" Ah, the 70's (I'm old, what can I say...)