And now for my next trick . . .

comments: 71


A granny-square afghan, similar to this one, from one of my favorite designer's homes. This is a photo of a bedroom in Petra Boase's house in Norfolk, England. It's from one of my favorite books, Flea Market Style, by Emily Chalmers, though I first saw a different photo of this afghan a year ago in another book called New Country Style England, where it was featured in the context of her so so so very adorable home. Very few photos of things stick to my very-bad memory, but this one has. I figured it was better to test out whether I really liked it or not with a picture that I looked at for a year before I jumped into making the real thing.

What I love about this afghan is how big the squares themselves are — they're about eight or nine rows around and that appeals to me both aesthetically and practically, since I've been avoiding the whole granny-square thing mostly because I don't want to stitch four zillion twirpy squares all together. But I have to tell you that the whole ripple-blanket thing really bolstered my confidence that I could complete a big project like that. I honestly didn't think I could, but, turns out, I can. I'm going to block the ripple 'ghan today and show you a photo of the finished thing tomorrow.

Grannysquare3 Obviously, the granny-square 'ghan is a true stash blanket, because you need so very little yarn to make, say, the first round of a square. So you really can literally bust the stash completely, and that's satisfying. I still have stash left over after all the rippling. Like I said, I had some serious stash to start with. How many times can I say stash. Nevertheless, the cream part of this GS 'ghan will take a hefty supply all its own; I believe mine will be mint green. I have about ten skeins of mint green (don't ask). If that looks gross I'll have to rethink it, but it might be cool. I like the way the squares look varied in size, too, simply by adding a few rounds of the background color before the square is officially "done." Breaks it up a bit.

You can find free patterns for all kinds of granny squares all over the Internet, of course. I kind of like the classic, like these, so I'm going to use a version of Erika Knight's "Modern Afghan" squares from Simple Crochet. Just with a few more rounds.


I love Flea Market Style too...I always have that book close by! I love the way that afghan has a very wide border...

I have to admit I am feeling the gsquare love myself. I was thinking aqua for the connecting round but I'll have to reserve judgement till I see mint green, since I love that color so much as well. The only thing holding me back is the lack of yarn stash. Fabric, I'm all about it, yarn, not so much.


ooooh, that looks beautiful. I've been thinking about a granny square baby blanket recently but haven't got as far as starting it yet!

I, also, have been wanting to do one of these for quite a while. Seems like we all are. Can't wait to see some on blogs soon.

Love granny square afghans! I made one when we first got married (20 some years ago) and it got lost in a move. You have inspired me to maybe make another one. Darn you. Oh so much work! :)


Love that afghan..I have yet to start on the ripple one..but I did get the yarn for it. How do you do it all??:)

Very nice. I'm attracted to this kind of colour scheme in quilts all the time; the colours


on a white or cream background.

Happy Tuesday :)

Great pic and book. Are you watching Top Design on BRAVO? I know you are a huge Project Runway fan (as am I) but I am dying to know what you think about Top Design in comparison....Especially since they all dogged the 'granny afghan' this last week.

Awesome! And I can't wait to see your finished ripple afghan tomorrow! x

I just bought Erika Knight's Simple Crochet. Although the patterns are easy, the execution is sophisticated. Such clean, elegant objects, it really makes me want to put down my needles and pick up a hook. And that's saying something. I'm terrible at crochet - my tension is all over the place and I'm not very good at identifying just where I'm supposed to put my hook. But I've been practicing on dishcloths that I make in that single/double pattern you used for your Cashmerino Squares afghan. Five dishcloths later and I am finally getting the tension even (squares instead of trapezoids) and learning to relax my hands enough not to get cramps in them. I think knitting will always be my first love, but I'm finally seeing how nice crochet can be. And I probably wouldn't have started if I hadn't loved that squares afghan so much. So thanks!

that is a beautiful choice, alicia. i can't wait to see the posie-version.

That blanket makes granny squares so appealing!

I love how blogland is all working on similar projects right now! I have noticed at least three other bloggers who are going granny, too. And me! I have never been a huge Rosanne fan, but I always loved the granny square blanket on the back of her couch.

That's weird, huh? Well, whatever. We should have a cyber stich in!

That is a great granny swaure afghan. I get kind of wishy washy on the whole granny square thing (think of 60's avacado green/orange/brown squares everywhere.. that is what my mind goes to instantly), but I really like the way she put this together..

Okay, you have finally inspired me. I will dig out my faux log cabin sqaure afghan and start working on it again. I need to take a picture and post it this evening. Maybe if I do that, it is real.. I must finish it (at least before Emma goes to college...)

Beautiful ! I've started on the granny squares as well after I saw Lyn's post about them, but I hadn't decided on the background color yet. The cream looks so beautiful though that I think I've just made up my mind. So now my nights in front of the tv are split between rippling and granny squaring ... Thanks so much for the continuing inspiration :)

Nothing looks gross with mint green period.

Best of luck on the next big project keep us updated, cant wait to see the progress!

granny squares are fun to make, but I agree with you, sewing them together is boooring. if you make a couple and don't feel like making a whole blanket you can make a bag or a scarf:

Aha! I knew you'd come around to wanting a granny square new love. Just bought one off background and pretty bright colors for my girls playroom. We love it! You know, they have WONDERFUL ones for sell all the time on ebay. I check about every day and have seen some amazing patterns, which I've fought tooth and nail to get and lost both times by $1! Afghan fans are pretty intense, lol. Can't wait to see how it turns out. Just a suggestion, because I saw it done recently actually...instead of mint green, what about an apple green or celadon green? I drooled over the one I saw one with that as a is my favorite color anyway. Can't wait to see your results.

what a beautiful photo! just goes to show how much context matters...what could have been a unispired mishmosh of old granny things, becomes so freakingly beautiful set in that wonderful white room. I'm sure your version will be equally pretty.

Of course this is next! I agree that is cool how the squares with the background-colored border seem smaller. Nice.

thank goodness i can put off learning to crochet for even longer now, while i sit back and enjoy your progress. cant wait to see the ripple in its full glory.

WOW, That's amazing and it gives hope for us renters who have to live with white walls!

I *heart* granny squares so much. Maybe because I have a granny who makes them non-stop (she even made a mini granny square afghan for the dog - not to give you any ideas). I love how the one you pictures looks quilt-ish.

Now you are going to change my mind about granny square afghans! Like Beth above, they entered my senses with revolting colors back in the 70s--ugly muddy colors that made one think about the stash that was being busted...imagine the original projects! :::shudder::: I don't think the crafting crowd had any instruction or expertise in mixing colors back in the day, either. I still have one of my grandmother's granny square 'ghans with school-bus yellow for the border and squares in mint green, acid watermelon pink, chocolate brown, and avocado. Ahem. It goes with nothing.

So I can't wait to see what you come up with! Yarn colors are so much prettier these days, and your palette is I think I'll be admiring a granny square afghan in Posie-land soon!

It won't look gross, I adore mint green! Can't wait to see the finished ripple blanket tomorrow! :)

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About Alicia Paulson


My name is Alicia Paulson
and I love to make things. I live with my husband and daughter in Portland, Oregon, and design sewing, embroidery, knitting, and crochet patterns. See more about me at
