
comments: 60


Thank you so much for all of the comments last week. What I love so much about all of the things you had to say is that your words become a part of the project for me, forever after. That context and all of the things I learn from it, every day, mean so much to me. I am so lucky for that. Thank you for that.

This morning there are two kitterses waiting for me in my office. One is actually in a sitting position and not lying down with every inch of her body covering the heating vent (can you see that little brown rectangle, just to her right?), which is sort of a miracle. It must mean that the heat just finished being on. Violet is the most accurate thermostat you can imagine. I swear that when the temperature drops to a fraction of a degree just before the furnace kicks on, she knows, and heads right for the vent. She gets to the vent and positions herself over it, covering every possible blow-hole with her body. She becomes a rectangle. Within a minute or two, the furnace starts up; within another minute or two, air starts to (try to) come out of the vent in the studio floor. The hot air starts blowing out of the vent; I can see it ruffling her fur from beneath, trying to get out and actually warm the room, and not just the cat. But it cannot. She has mastered the art of sealing off almost every possible route of escape. The studio, naturally, is FREEZING. Freezing. It's a freezing cold room with one very hot, happy cat.

I feel so behind — I have a lot of work to do. I have really been goofing off this winter, and that's starting to catch up with me. I'm going to try to buckle down this week and get some things done. I think that would be nice!


That is pretty funny.

Your office is so beautiful! Puts my tiny corner of the dining room table to shame!

Love your studio.

I am in the process of reorganizing my workspace and I can't help wishing that I had more large windows and french doors in my space yours.

I love love love your space!

I can picture Saru-chan doing the same thing, but thankfully we've had baseboards the entire time we've had her (and Victor). My craft room is one of the rooms with the most windows, so it is always pretty cold too!

Your studio looks so pretty!

oh that is hilarious!
what a hoot!!
cats r so clever -^.^-

Dear Alicia,

Your office is a DREAM!!! Add the cozy feeling a couple of cute kitty cats bring just make it all the more heavenly. EVEN if it is FREEZING!!! :)


xoxo Gloria

Sounds like my cat's not the only one! She likes to cover the vent in the bedroom, which means some winter mornings I wake up to a very cold bedroom - it makes it even harder to get out of bed than usual! We like to refer to her as 'the heat hog.'

LOVE how great your studio/office looks.

I came over via a link than Jan sent me and I am so happy I found you. I have been racking my brains for ages about the osrt of curtains I need for my bathroom, which has the most glorious views across the rooftops of our town, to the distant hills. There in your room, you have the perfct solution!
I have anjoyed my visit here, as I have 2 rescue dogs and enjoy some of the same crafts that you do.
So nice to meet you!
Blessings Kath in England

Oh that, about the cat, makes me laugh. They KNOW what they want and they WILL. HAVE. IT. Such funny creatures, cats. I miss mine.

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About Alicia Paulson


My name is Alicia Paulson
and I love to make things. I live with my husband and daughter in Portland, Oregon, and design sewing, embroidery, knitting, and crochet patterns. See more about me at
